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We proclaim that re-Creation Fitness is the BADDEST FUNCTIONAL FITNESS JOINT in the known universe. We have located the re-Creation Fitness facility less than two blocks away from Central Park and we have sourced and array of equipment including weight sleds, tractor tires, Flip Sleds, wrestling dummies and Bulgarian bags that you won't find at most gyms. We invite you to come by and try to complete one our infamous fitness challenges to see what kind of shape you're really in.
The re-Creation Fitness + Recovery mission is two fold.
In recognition of the fact that the fitness industry as it exists today either ignores the needs of the Black community altogether, underserves or disserves the Black community, we have established re-Creation Fitness as an urban fitness field house to bring cutting edge fitness to the historic community of Harlem NY in general and to provide a model of how to improve the health and fitness of Black communities worldwide.
Additionally, we have a larger mission. re-Creation Fitness is at the vanguard of a movement to improve the physical fitness, health and well being of African/Alkebulan people throughout the global diaspora. To this end we are committed to working with other health, fitness and wellness professionals who focus on improving the health and fitness of Black and Brown people anywhere on the planet. We will be holding Black Survival Unit Experiences every 90 days beginning in Harlem and spreading to other parts of the U.S., the Caribbean and Africa. The BSU weekend experiences will consist of functional fitness workshops, quick healthy meal preparation workshops, first aid and CPR training and self defense training.
It is our intention to elevate Black Fitness Culture and provide a blueprint for transforming Black families into Black Survival Units.
If you have been struggling to find a way to change your life and the health of yourself and your family we invite you to join our movement. Know that you are never more than 90 days away from the most transformative physical, emotional and cultural experience you will likely ever have. For information, or to sign up for the first BSU weekend in April 2024 click here.
If you are a health, fitness or wellness professional who is interested in collaborating with us and possibly being featured as a presenter at one of the future Black Survival Unit weekend experiences.
Street Self-Defense & Fight Conditioning Program
Interested? CLICK HERE
Join Our New 'Gun Club'!
Interested? CLICK HERE